Grants & Fellowships

IG VII 2494 (Thebes)

Travel Grants

Travel grants, meant to support travel for research in the field of Greek epigraphy, are available to faculty and graduate students of the University of California at Berkeley in all departments, groups, or programs, and are accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year. Grantees will be required to submit to the Advisory Committee a report on their activities at the conclusion of the grant period.

Application: Applications for travel grants must be made in advance of the proposed trip and include a statement of the purpose of the research project, a budget, and a timetable of activity during the period of the grant. Graduate student applicants must also indicate their qualifications for epigraphic research and and secure the sponsorship of a member of the UCB faculty. This should take the form of a brief letter, sent to the Director, evaluating the student's project and qualifications and stating a willingness to advise the proposed research project. Please direct all queries and send application materials to:

Professor Nikolaos Papazarkadas, Director
Sara B. Aleshire Center for the Study of Greek Epigraphy
Department of Ancient Greek and Roman Studies
7233 Dwinelle Hall, University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-2550.

Graduate Fellowships

The Advisory Committee of the Sara B. Aleshire Center for the Study of Greek Epigraphy provides two funding opportunities for Berkeley graduate students working on Greek epigraphy, which are offered annually, sources of funding permitting.

Aleshire Fellowship for Study at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens

Eligibility: Berkeley graduate students who have advanced to candidacy, and are working on a research project (usually a dissertation) that involves a significant epigraphic component and requires residency in Greece and membership of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens.

Award: $30,000 plus payment of School fees.

Stipulations: Applicants must simultaneously apply for Associate Membership at the American School and plan to use the School’s facilities during the year in which they hold the award. The award may not be used to fund a Regular Membership at the School.

Aleshire Dissertation Fellowship

Eligibility: Berkeley graduate students who plan to complete a dissertation on any subject in Greek epigraphy during the year in which they would hold the award.

Award: $37,000 plus payment of tuition and fees for California residents and an additional travel grant of up to $3,000.  A bonus award of $2,000 will be granted to recipients of the fellowship who complete their dissertation by July 15 of the academic year in which it is held.

Application: Applications for the Aleshire-ASCSA Fellowship and for the Aleshire Dissertation Fellowship must include the following: a research proposal (3-5pp), a brief, relevant writing sample (20-25pp.), a c.v, and three letters of recommendation. These materials should be sent to Professor Nikolaos Papazarkadas, Chair, Advisory Committee of the Aleshire Center for the Study of Greek Epigraphy, submitted via email

Application Deadline for funding for the academic year 2025/26: March 14, 2025.

All eligible students are encouraged to apply.  Should there be no application that meets eligibility requirements and the standards of the Advisory Committee in any given year, no award will be given.  These fellowships are offered in addition to the Aleshire Center’s funding of research and travel expenses for Berkeley graduate students and faculty related to projects in Greek Epigraphy.


Past Aleshire Dissertation Fellowship Holders

Nathan Arrington (Classical Archaeology)

Athena Kirk (Classics)

Noah Kaye (AHMA)

John Lanier (AHMA)

Randall Souza (AHMA)

Elizabeth Wueste (Classical Archaeology)



Past Aleshire ASCSA Fellowship Holders

Eric Driscoll (AHMA)

Michael Laughy (AHMA)

Flavio Santini (AHMA)